Training In Power Reviews
Level 1 is the beginning step to taking back your life
“I wish that Level 1 was required to graduate from high school. But for now it’s the kind of course that each person must to decide to do. My wish is that everyone will choose to raise themselves to their full potential. And Level 1 is the beginning step to taking back your life.”
-M.K. Redmond WA
It was really circumstance that brought me to the Training – a friend was doing it and I didn’t want to be left out.
“And so my Journey began … Right from Level 1, I felt my family’s belief systems that had held me hostage for so long, begin to dissipate. I found a passion and love for life that has transformed not only my life but my children’s as well. I feel I’m a better person and a healthier parent. I’m excited about life in a way I could never have imagined.
This may not be what Spirituality means to others, but for me, taking Level I was the start of my true spiritual journey. This work has changed my life in every way. As a teacher of this work, I can share it with others, to perhaps create a happier world where we stop terrorizing ourselves and connect to the goodness within us all.”
If I had to narrow it down to one thing that I have received
“If I had to narrow it down to one thing that I have received from undertaking courses with Faye Fitzgerald and the Training in Power Academy, I would say that the deep sense of self-esteem and understanding of my unique contribution to the world is what stands out in my mind.”
Training in Power Reviews Spirit Animals

Training In Power Academy is an organization that teaches meditation and healing through coursework developed over decades. Topics include connecting with one’s spirit guide and in the article below Training In Power Academy reviews how various cultures throughout time and around the world all have manifestations of this spiritual concept.
Training In Power Academy explains that a spirit guide is a being or force that connects you to a greater power, or helps you tap into the power of wisdom of the universe. Different cultures will have their own version of a spirit guide, and rituals to help you connect to it.
Animal guides
According to Native American tradition, all people are accompanied by nine different animal guides, who will emerge when they are needed in their journey. These are called totem animals, and each one has their own special power or gift.
Training In Power Academy says that for example, the Bear brings courage and strength during hardship. The Otter teaches empathy and lightheartedness. The Rabbit teaches how to overcome fear and limiting beliefs.
Native Americans believe that when you are drawn to a particular animal, or if it repeatedly shows up in dreams or in situations in your life, that spirit guide is trying to tell you something.
Likewise, Training In Power Academy reviews that in European traditions the Fetch or Fylgja often manifests as an animal.
Guardian angels
In Christianity, angels are considered messengers from God. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, it says the Lord “will send his angel to make your mission successful”. In Exodus, God promises to “send an Angel before you, to lead you to the Promised Land.” Training In Power Academy reviews that even the birth of Jesus is announced by the archangel Gabriel.
Christians are also taught to pray to their guardian angel for guidance and protection, as captured in this prayer—usually the first that children learn in Sunday school.
There are also beliefs or practices about angels that aren’t necessarily part of Christian doctrine but have been mixed with other spiritual belief systems. Many people who are not religious like to use angel tarot cards or angel meditations. So, angels as spiritual guides have gone well beyond the realm of the Church.
Ascended masters
In some cases, spirit guides are actually human beings who have achieved perfection or ascended to the highest level of consciousness, and now help others.
For example, Roman Catholicism believes in Mother Mary and the saints. People can pray to them and ask for their intercession. They can also choose a “patron saint” who they turn to whenever they have a problem.
Training In Power Academy explains that Buddhists will offer incense and prayers to Buddha. They may go to temples for advice and perform divination rituals (such as reading tea leaves or rice grains) to help decipher their message. Other Dharmic traditions may look to an ascended guru or avesha-avatara as a guide.
Nature spirits
Japanese Shintoism worships spirits in nature, called kami, according to Training In Power Academy. These spirits are not really beings per se, but a strong, mystical force or element. They can be found in landscapes (such as a mountain) or in objects (such an ancient tree).
Not all kami are good; some can actually be malevolent, while others take no interest in human affairs. However, some kami act like spirit guides, and may offer wisdom or help. That is why many sacred places in Japan will have shrines.